
Of course, if I could find the course it would help me answer whatever it is that this post is asking for.

But…let me say a few words about online learning, its strengths and weaknesses. I believe online learning is a banking system, exactly what this course has tried to claim it is not. Input in, output out…Freire all over again. The instructor creates items for deposit in the learner, the learner responds to these deposits with a reinterpretation, expansion, etc. It may not be worse than face-to-face learning, which is also often a banking system, so this isn’t a criticism of online learning, it is a criticism of how we approach learning. On the other hand, in order to have something to explore, it is helpful if people have some beginning knowledge. It is difficult to teach a language, for instance, without teaching letters, basic grammar, a bit of form. It is difficult to invite people into a conversation about leadership without teaching some shared basics of leadership. So. Banking happens. The problem is when there is nothing but banking.




So, you want a course outline. Well, these typically are an issue of intellectual property, although learning objectives are determined by Senate. An example of learning objectives for a course in philosophy would be:

All students will be able to

  • identify a minimum of four philosophers in each of the ancient, medieval, enlightenment, and modern time frames 100% of the time
  • identify at least three significant contributions of three philosophers in each of the ancient, medieval, enlightenment, and modern time frames 100% of the time
  • identify two substantial points of criticism of three philosophers in each of the ancient, medieval, enlightenment, and modern time frames 100% of the time
  • identify through the creation of a 2000 word essay one philosopher of personal interest to them and be able to compare and contrast basic thinking with one philosopher in two of ancient, medieval, enlightenment and modern time frames, using APA style and citing significant sources.

In a twelve week course, students will work their way through readings, discussions, short assignments, presentations and viewing of media of relevance. All assignments are due on time, exceptions need to be discussed with the professor.